about me

I like lots of stuff. my favorite thing is customizing and repairing bikes. I have a quad bmx and 2 dirt bikes and I will want a regula

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"success is not an accident. success is actually a choice . Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"

this is true I can have a choice to be successful. I have the choice to go and start working hard. this is wate I want but because of my habits I cant work hard. so wate I am trying to do is leave those old habits behind . if I don't work hard I will flunk out in this grade I will be a failure to my parents.so this year I have to go on trying my best in all my classes if I now there is a test coming up I should study for it. now I know wate I have to do . I us to be lazy and bad at school but that all has to change . because the more I continue on the more successful I shall be. but still not just me there are people who aren't or don't want to be successful . the way they chose this is by doing the wrong or how mrs hamor says it ctw. they do drugs get bad grades don't care at all about school. and the people who chose the write ctr . when people are ctr they go to the right direction they are satisfied and can now get carriers and have fun in there college year . so this is my response to this statement.

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