I rally think this statement
about me
I like lots of stuff. my favorite thing is customizing and repairing bikes. I have a quad bmx and 2 dirt bikes and I will want a regula
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities:
A healthcare administrator is responsible for the facility
business management and whatever operation they are running such as a hospital
or nursing home. Also, a healthcare manager may be a department head possibly
responsible for the hiring and supervising of staff.. They also have to check
the services they give to there customers.
$40,000 – 110,000
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Me personally
I will like to be a healthcare administrator because it seams like a very easy
job to do
Friday, October 23, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"
I really don't like this statement. to tell you the truth I think that the having a life you want is better then a good name. well I say in some ways a good name can benefit you . but there will always be some one to make that good name go bad. so I say its better not to create a big fuse if you make a good or bad record for your name. for me I just want to live a good and deserving life I want to continue being happy. I am not saying things are going to come easy to me . I know I have to work hard and be successful. so when I read this statement it makes me say that good names can benefit you well in good places . but those names wont help when you leave the country.
Monday, October 19, 2015
"if your so-called friends urge to do anything you know to be wrong you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
this is true do and chose the way you want to go. like I will chose the way to success I have to try my very best at school. but some people still want to chose both ways so when times are harsh some they are ctw but when it benefits them there ctr. this is mostly how the world of today is. there are very few who are choosing the right. so when most people say they want to do the right from now to the end it usually doesn't last. most people just say that so they can get more attention. at least that the way I see it . well I see it that way in the person who wants attention perspective they just go on living the way they have bine living. but I want to change that I want to do the greater good . that is why I came to this school to become a doctor. when I graduate I will see wate kind of doctor I want to be. well in hopes I hope to be an doctor that does hart lungs or any kind of surgery . and that is why I say this statement is good.Thursday, October 15, 2015
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a makes a great human out of him self."
this statement is partly true . because if you become a ctr champ you will not only feel good you will make others feel good. it all so is not to bad because even if your a ctr champ you will still have some bad in you. so I say this stamen is surd of true because no matter how good you think the person is there will always be some bad in them. most people think just because some one is very nice to others they mite also be aggressive to people they don't now . so that why they say don't talk to strangers the more you want to talk to strangers the more trouble you mite get your self in.
Ear, Nose,
and thought
An ent
doctor usually checks for infections in all the sections ear through and nose. When
they find an infection they cure it but if its necessary they do surgery. O they
mostly deal with runny noses and regular infections.
There salary
is 205.000 dollars yearly
The education
required is 5 years in a surgical residence, a year course in general history
and 4 years in a course of otolaryngology bachelor’s degree and science degree
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"success is not an accident. success is actually a choice . Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"
this is true I can have a choice to be successful. I have the choice to go and start working hard. this is wate I want but because of my habits I cant work hard. so wate I am trying to do is leave those old habits behind . if I don't work hard I will flunk out in this grade I will be a failure to my parents.so this year I have to go on trying my best in all my classes if I now there is a test coming up I should study for it. now I know wate I have to do . I us to be lazy and bad at school but that all has to change . because the more I continue on the more successful I shall be. but still not just me there are people who aren't or don't want to be successful . the way they chose this is by doing the wrong or how mrs hamor says it ctw. they do drugs get bad grades don't care at all about school. and the people who chose the write ctr . when people are ctr they go to the right direction they are satisfied and can now get carriers and have fun in there college year . so this is my response to this statement.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Duties and Responsibilities:
Dermatologists diagnose and treat more than 3,000 different
diseases. These diseases include skin cancer, eczema, acne, psoriasis, and nail
260,000 – 300,000
College, earning a bachelor's degree.
Medical school, becoming a medical doctor (MD) or doctor of
osteopathic medicine (DO).
Internship, 1 year.
Dermatology residency program, at least 3 years.
I would like to be one. You help people feel better about
the way they look and them self’s which is pretty cool.
Monday, October 5, 2015
There job is
to create add and continue making games. They also have to keep there games up
to date because if they don’t the game will come crashing down.so that is like
giving Madisen to a potion. they have to give there servers clearance in order to
continue working.
Average salary;
9.5 billion to 73,000
They only
need good graphics gonra and play by play.
I would like
to be a rpg game designer for major labels
Thursday, October 1, 2015
'What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player.
this mite be true in some cases or mostly in all if your willing to give your devotion to basket ball you will be a better player. most people just focus to be good in their skills but no single person can win with out a team
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
Dental assistants have many tasks, ranging from providing
patient care and taking x rays to recordkeeping and scheduling appointments.
Their duties vary by state and by the dentists’ offices where they work. They
also have to help the dentist in any way like when there removing cavities or
taking cleaning hazards to their teeth.
$34,500 per year $16.59 per hour
They need a one year certificate in a dentist program.
Also need a 2 year associate degree
Last technology training
I wouldn’t like to be a dentist or an assistant cause I don’t
like the gob
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